Gila Cliff Dwellings and City of Rocks

Ah I’ve written this once and it didn’t upload for some reason, the original was much better but there you go!

So you thought that Italians were a stylish people and had good taste? Well you’re wrong and here’s the proof. Meet Betty, my hire car for a few days whilst I explore the Silver City area. Its a Fiat 500 and it’s beige!!! Fiat what were you thinking??! Beige!?


This picture doesn’t actually do the colour justice, think old lady tights beige.

Anyway she ran well and was a good choice for the 44 miles of narrow twisty hilly road up the the Gila Cliff Dwellings. I wouldn’t have liked to biked up here and probably wouldn’t have had the legs for it.

The dwellings are naturally formed caves that were developed into around 40 rooms by the ancient Puebloan people around 800 years ago.


There were a series of pictograms on the wall of the dwellings whose meanings are a mystery. Still its pretty good they have survived all this time



The next day I drove to the City Of Rocks state park. The clue is in the name really, amazing rock formations formed by volcanic activity many many years ago.


The shame of this site is it is a rv park and campground which kind of spoils the atmosphere of the place. There are a few trails that take you into the desert and allow amazing views of the site



2 thoughts on “Gila Cliff Dwellings and City of Rocks

  1. Cath April 2, 2015 / 7:50 am

    Looks amazing Mike! Glad you’re taking a break after some serious climbing well deserved 🙂


  2. 21stcenturybeatles April 2, 2015 / 9:07 am

    Great reading mate! Any physical symptoms showing? Soreness in certain areas? Weight loss? Getting stronger?


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