Final Push

As I write this I’ve only got around 200 more miles to go until I reach St Augustine and the Atlantic ocean.


Florida has been pretty brutal so far, high temperatures combined with high humidity have made for the most difficult riding conditions of the trip. I often find myself wishing for a headwind to provide a bit of relief, i never thought i’d say that! The roads on the other hand have been the best I’ve ridden, no chip seal in sight, perfectly smooth and maintained.

Nothing too remarkable has happened the last week, I’m just pushing on getting the miles in. Services are much more regular in this part of the country, all the small towns on route seem to be fairly stable unlike all the ghost towns I saw in the west.

I hope to cross the finish line on Sunday 24th so watch this space!






5 thoughts on “Final Push

  1. Cath May 20, 2015 / 5:36 am

    Incredible! Keep going for that final push!


  2. Laura copley May 22, 2015 / 6:00 am

    Can’t believe you’ve nearly done!


  3. houstonfamilia May 23, 2015 / 12:43 am

    Hey Mike, Been following your trek since we met in the mountains of San Diego.
    The end is near!!
    You’ve impressed me and a lot of other folks.


    • mikelev82 May 23, 2015 / 1:50 am

      Thanks Steve, I’m glad you’re still following along and hope you’ve enjoyed the blog! It feels like a long long time ago since we met, I’ve missed the interactions with the BP since leaving Texas. Keep an eye out for thirsty cyclists, there are a few heading your way!


      • houstonfamilia May 26, 2015 / 8:00 pm

        Mike!! Congratulations on finishing an epic trip. I’m very impressed. Yes I’ve followed along and loved your Englishman’s take on our Southwest border. I stop to chat with cyclists whenever I can, check their paper’s if they’re a foreigner like you, then give them water. Ha!!
        I’m thinking of riding my bike cross country too, only I’m going to pick a country like England or Ireland so I can do it in a week!!
        And by the way, gave blood a month ago in your honor!
        Congrats again and take some time to relax, but not too long, I don’t want to have to call my fellow BP buddies to pick you up on an overstay!! More Ha!!!


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