
A lot of people have asked me if i’m collecting money for charity during my ride. It was never my intention to collect for charity, it’s always been more of a journey of self discovery for myself. However people got me thinking and I came up with this…..and don’t worry it won’t cost you a penny.

How about if every person who reads this blog pledges to donate 1 pint of blood? Stocks of donated blood are always low and currently less than 4% of eligible adults donate.

Come on, do something amazing! Save a life……and get free tea and biscuits in return!

Check out www.blood.co.uk for more information and for details of your nearest session.

Leave a comment and let me know what you all think?


2 thoughts on “Sponsorship

  1. Ross March 24, 2015 / 1:15 pm

    Just signed up to donate!

    going in on 20th April


  2. Yuki November 25, 2020 / 10:52 am

    Probably I’ll donate at Dee Why beach!


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